Thursday, September 15, 2011

"I am music." - PRiNCE

If you want to learn about music then you must study the history of music from the artists and musicians who did it first and did it the best. These artists have created music that will last for generations when we are long gone. The classics from the “Masters” as I call them. Prince is one such Master.  Prince is the musicians musician.  His gift is admired by leaders in all aspects of music; jazz, rock, the blues, pop, hip-hop, funk, soul, funk, metal, or country music.  They all agree - The man is a genius and he can pretty much do it all.
A true original in a musical landscape full of clones and wanna-be's.  Prince's music catalog, career, and art will be studied, admired, and celebrated forever. 

Prince is now our generations last great one left (since Michael Jacksons passing).
He has set the bar so high that his only true competition is himself.  If you haven't introduced or familiarized yourself to his work yet, then this video is a good start/introduction. It is impossible to put one label on him.
To focus only on 1 or 2 aspects of his legacy thus far is blasphemy and should be criminal.
Prince is not just a singer.
He is not just a guitar player.
He is not just an entertainer or dancer.

Prince is music.

A music innovator and true original through and through.
  Prince is the last true band leader since James Brown calling out changes on a whim either by hand signals, looks, nods, or by voice.  Prince consistantly if not always has the tightest band in show business,  he is the best live act today, the rightful heir to Jimi Hendrix and Sly Stone.
Watching this video it's a wonder to lean about his way of making music from folks that were there.
The show features respected music critics, writers, studio engineers, former employees, and past band members talking about his assent to musical fame.

Having grown up during the 80′s I witnessed a lot of the crazy musical experiments during that era and Prince is one artist whose music I supported frequently. The film is good at what I think documentaries should do;  to tell a story using images and live commentary from people who shared that space and time with the person who is at the center of the picture. Check it out and if you like it pass it around!!!

Alicia Keys and Outkast (Andre 3000 & Big Boi)
Induct Prince into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

1985 American Music Awards
Madonna presents award to Prince And The Revolution

The late great jazz legend Miles Davis on Prince

Prince Tribute featuring testimonies from:
Sheryl Crow, Alicia Keys, Robert Plant, Ozzy Ozbourne, Moby, No Doubt, Gwen Stefani and more..

Beyonce inducts Prince into the UK Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame
Featuring testimonies from:
Pharrell Williams, Randy Jackson, Wendy & Lisa, Maceo Parker, Salma Hayek, and Joni Mitchell


